Saturday, September 21, 2013

Sweet 17th Party of Angelica Arviani "Moulin Rouge"

           Welcome to Moulin Rouge! The most prestigious musical broadway performance in the world. Everyone love to be in Moulin Rouge. We have beautiful dancers, cabaret dancers, ballroom dancers and all the dances that you wanna see. We also have one special star, and she is everyone’s favourite, she is Angelica Arviani! Today is her birthday, Angel turns to 17th. So all the Moulin Rouge member prepare a special party for her. They invite the most popular MC in Indonesia, Indra Bekti featuring Oki from Full Color Party Star. Curious about this special party? Here we go!

Gedung Moulin Rouge terlihat berbeda hari ini. There are lots of beautiful stuffs here. Champagne, pita-pita, makanan, semua ada. Semua tamu undangan juga sudah hadir, mereka adalah orang tua, teman serta bintang idola kesayangan Angelica, Marcell Chandrawinata. Psst, Angelica doesn’t know about this.

Party dibuka dengan penampilan Cabaret Dancers, lalu dilanjutkan dengan tiga gadis cantik lengkap dengan pakaian bling-bling. Terakhir, seorang ballroom dancers menjemput sang bintang pada malam ini. She looks gorgeous! Today she looks different with dress from Cynthia Tan.

This is a special party, so everything must be special. We already have special MCs, want more?      For the special 17th candle, orangtua Angelica telah menyiapkan kejutan yang gak akan disangka-sangka. He is Marcell Chandrawinata!! The handsome artist is here for Angel. She was beyond amazed. She kept smiling non-stop. Marcell also have a surprise for her, secara tiba-tiba ia menggendong Angel. Waaa! Angel kaget banget, speechless sekaligus senang.

            The party continues with spectacular performances from the cabaret dancers. They looks so pretty with their dress. White, pink, and purple. Fabulous! Sorakan dan tepuk tangan terus mengiringi penampilan mereka.

             For the last part, it’s disco time! All the dancers, friends and family are having fun under the light. They dance together with Indra Bekti and Marcell Chandrawinata. Really a special night at the Moulin Rouge. 

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